Why Renewable Energy is Important

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Why Renewable Energy is Important

Why Renewable Energy is Important

Good news, renewable energy is here to stay. It’s becoming a much larger part of the United States’ total energy production, and it supports a more diverse energy network to give customers control over how their energy is produced. However, the importance behind this relatively new way to produce energy doesn’t stop there. Below are some of the most impactful areas renewable energy supports, specifically our infrastructure, economy, and environment, and how City Electric Supply is expanding into this growing market.

Renewable Energy Reduces Environmental Impact

Generating electricity from fossil fuels accounts for some serious industrial air pollution in the U.S. It’s the second-leading cause of air pollution, and it’s linked to some devastating impacts on local ecosystems, including groundwater pollution, acid rain, smog, and increased mercury deposits.

This primary source of energy production also ripples across the globe. Because a lot of our energy comes from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas, this causes greenhouse gases to be released, contributing further to global climate change.

How does renewable energy reduce this environmental impact? To put it simply, renewable energy doesn’t need to be burned to give off energy or be extracted from the earth. And because it’s an infinite source of energy, there are tremendous market opportunities to expand renewable technology that a finite supply of coal or natural gas just doesn’t have. While consumer demand drives a lot of this expansion, federal mandates and environmental regulations are another supporting factor.

Although renewable energy isn’t yet ready to shoulder the entire energy demand for the U.S., production cost is decreasing to the same levels as fossil fuels. For instance, from 2009 to 2016, generating electricity from wind dropped 66%. From 2010 to 2017, the cost of installing solar dropped 70%.

This equal production cost for both fossil fuels and renewable sources is known as grid parity. As consumer interest and government policies help drive down the production costs from alternative sources, more states should be able to take advantage of renewable technologies, even if they don’t have as many natural resources as other states. In fact, this wide access to different types of renewable energy production will help make grid parity a reality, and it’s much closer than we realize. Grid parity is expected to be achieved in 42 states by the end of 2020.

Renewable Energy Benefits the Economy

This may come as a surprise, but renewable energy is bringing stability to energy prices. Demand has a much more direct link to fluctuating gas prices that simply isn’t felt in the renewable industry. Because a single source of energy isn’t responsible for the entire demand, prices are able to find a balance across the board. Additionally, renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydro, don’t have the same fuel costs or transportation requirements associated with them. This allows utility companies to pass the savings onto the customer. Now, production cost is the determining factor for price, and the consumers are on the winning end.

Renewable Energy Provides More Security

Just as multiple energy sources can drive down cost, it can also provide more reliability. If production dips in natural gas, it shouldn’t be felt by the consumer or the market as easily because the other energy sources, like solar, wind, and hydro, can pick up the slack. In fact, the benefits of a wider energy net extend beyond just pricing. Because fuel no longer needs to be imported as often because of a diversified energy network, a range of renewable energy sources lowers the risk of fuel spills while conserving natural resources.

Renewable Energy Supports Job Growth

Believe it or not, renewable energy is quite labor intensive. Because technology has reduced the labor required to extract fossil fuels, the renewable industry is a popular landing place for those looking for hard work. With technology as a driving force behind this market, job growth is extending beyond the labor workforce.

Sustainability is another important feature for this growing industry. It’s currently seen as one of the fastest-growing job markets, and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, solar installers and wind technicians will be the two fastest-growing jobs all the way through 2026.

Renewable Energy Can Improve Public Health

Coal and natural gas production are linked to severe health risks. The air and water pollution produced by these methods simply aren’t emitted by clean energy technologies. Wind and solar also don’t require water to operate, which reduces the chances of polluting groundwater or other water sources.

Renewable Energy Is Renewable

This one is a given, but there’s an inexhaustible amount of energy that can be produced from renewable sources. Even though renewable energy may not be able to realistically provide all of the energy required to power the United States, it could provide up to 80% of U.S. electricity by 2050. Embracing this technology will pay huge dividends in the future as concerns about climate change accelerate.

Renewable Energy at City Electric Supply

With so much expansion in the renewable market, City Electric Supply launched its own renewable division to help customers all across the U.S. From residential, commercial, industrial and utility-scale projects, the Renewable Energies Group at CES can help with any renewable jobs.

As the National Renewable Business Development Manager for CES, Robbie McNamara knows that CES and his renewables team are certainly doing something special.

“We pride ourselves on our customer service. Customers are returning because our level of service and expertise are second to none. From utility to commercial to residential, there is no other distributor, to my knowledge, that focuses on solar like we do in all aspects of the industry,” McNamara said.

However, what’s more interesting isn’t just the support from commercial businesses and industries adopting renewable technology, but how residential customers have embraced it to save money and go “green.”

“It’s exciting to see this continued interest in renewable energy at a residential level and how people want to do their part to help the planet,” McNamara said. “This proves the price of the technology has come down enough that it’s readily attainable for homeowners and businesses to continue investing in renewable energy.”

Got a renewable energy project on the horizon in the residential, commercial, industrial or utility market? All you have to do is stop by any of our 500+ locations and ask our knowledgeable staff about renewable energy. With our nationwide distribution network, we can truly serve as your one-stop shop and supplier for all things renewable.

This article was originally published by The Wire.

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