Catanduanes supports waste-to-energy initiatives 

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Catanduanes supports waste-to-energy initiatives 

Catanduanes supports waste-to-energy initiatives 

The provincial government of Catanduanes expressed support to the development of environmentally-conscious technologies and ecologically-sensible innovations.

The province said that such innovations employ efficient solid waste management approach while generating clean and sustainable energy.

Disposal and management of domestic and commercial waste remain a huge problem in the province in the absence of proper sanitary landfills with adequate logistical facilities.

Waste-to-energy solutions are expected to fill the gap, as they will not only address the issue but also supplement the rising demand for electric power.

Waste-to-energy projects can serve as alternative source of energy to communities.

The province believes that in the pursuit of socio-economic growth and progress, there is a need to integrate strategies to ensure that future generations of Catandunganons will still enjoy the God-given blessings of nature to the island.


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