READ: FOIC, PN Statement of Support to APRESolutions, Inc.

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READ: FOIC, PN Statement of Support to APRESolutions, Inc.

READ: FOIC, PN Statement of Support to APRESolutions, Inc.

FOIC, PN Statement of Support to APRESolutions, Inc.

Marine plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental concerns in the Philippines. As a maritime nation whose populace is nourished and sustained by aquatic riches and resources, it is in the interest of our country and our future generations to keep its maritime environment clean and its fishery commodities abundant. It is necessary and wise to invest on cleaner and more economical solid waste management approaches, while generating sustainable energy. Thus, there is an increasing need to develop, support and encourage waste-to-energy technologies and initiatives in the Philippines.


Thank you Philippine Navy and Vice Admiral Bacordo for supporting WTE development in the Philippines! 💚

APRES - Working for the Community

APRES - By Filipino, for Filipinos!

#NotoBasura #YEStoWTE #YEStoGoodEnergy #APRES

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